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Cornice Dwarf Pear

Regular price $89.99

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The Cornice Dwarf Pear (Pyrus communis 'Cornice Dwarf') is a compact pear tree variety known for its smaller size and delicious fruit. This dwarf pear tree is ideal for smaller gardens or even for container gardening. It produces medium-sized, sweet pears with a pleasant texture, making them suitable for fresh eating, canning, or using in desserts. Despite its compact size, the Cornice Dwarf Pear tree can yield a generous crop of flavorful fruit. It's a great choice for home gardeners looking to grow pears in limited spaces while enjoying the convenience of harvesting fresh, homegrown produce.

Order Fulfillment

  • All online orders can be picked up at our garden center, located at 45 Route 206 in Chester, New Jersey. Please remember to bring your order number and a valid photo ID with you.
  • We're now offering nationwide delivery for plant material in containers of 20 gallons or smaller. If you need delivery for larger containers or B&B material, please email for a custom shipping quote.
  • All gift card purchases are delivered via US Postal Service and can be shipped nationwide.
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