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D'Anjou Pear Espalier

Regular price $749.99

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The D'Anjou Pear (Pyrus communis 'D'Anjou') is a European pear cultivar renowned for its luscious and sweet fruit. It boasts a distinctive egg-shaped appearance with smooth green skin, occasionally adorned with a reddish blush on its sun-exposed side. The flesh is juicy, fine-textured, and delectably sweet, making it a favorite for fresh consumption, inclusion in salads, poaching, dessert preparations, and cheese pairings. As it ripens, its flavor intensifies, and its texture becomes pleasantly tender, rendering it a sought-after choice for both culinary and snacking purposes, and it's frequently available in grocery stores throughout pear season.

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  • All online orders can be picked up at our garden center, located at 45 Route 206 in Chester, New Jersey. Please remember to bring your order number and a valid photo ID with you.
  • We're now offering nationwide delivery for plant material in containers of 20 gallons or smaller. If you need delivery for larger containers or B&B material, please email for a custom shipping quote.
  • All gift card purchases are delivered via US Postal Service and can be shipped nationwide.
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