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Diana Rose of Sharon

Regular price $159.99

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Diana Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus 'Diana') is an elegant and classic flowering shrub celebrated for its pristine, pure white blossoms. This cultivar stands out with its large, single flowers displaying a brilliant white hue, radiating a sense of purity and grace in any garden. The blooms make their appearance from mid-summer to early fall, attracting pollinators and offering a serene and beautiful focal point in the landscape. The glossy green leaves provide a lush and attractive contrast to the white blossoms. Diana Rose of Sharon typically grows to a height of eight to twelve feet, forming a graceful and captivating presence in the garden. It's ideal for hedges, mixed borders, or as a standalone specimen. Known for its resilience, adaptability to various soil and light conditions, and minimal maintenance needs, Diana Rose of Sharon is a beloved choice for gardeners seeking both timeless beauty and ease of care in their outdoor spaces.

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  • All online orders can be picked up at our garden center, located at 45 Route 206 in Chester, New Jersey. Please remember to bring your order number and a valid photo ID with you.
  • We're now offering nationwide delivery for plant material in containers of 20 gallons or smaller. If you need delivery for larger containers or B&B material, please email for a custom shipping quote.
  • All gift card purchases are delivered via US Postal Service and can be shipped nationwide.
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