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DIY: Wood Pallet Wall Garden


Welcome to our latest DIY project: the Wood Pallet Vertical Wall Garden. As urban spaces become more compact and outdoor areas more precious, vertical gardening has emerged as a creative and practical solution for plant enthusiasts. Whether you have a small balcony, a tiny backyard, or just an empty wall begging for some greenery, a vertical garden can transform any space into a lush, vibrant oasis.

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to create your own wood pallet wall garden. This project is perfect for anyone looking to maximize their gardening space while adding a stunning focal point to their home or garden. With a variety of plants to choose from, including succulents, herbs, ferns, and flowering plants, your wall garden will not only be beautiful but also functional.

Vertical garden walls are more than just a trendy decor idea; they offer numerous benefits such as improving air quality, providing insulation, and creating a peaceful, green environment. Plus, they are a fantastic way to get creative with your plant choices and arrangements.

Ready to get started? Follow our step-by-step instructions to build your very own wood pallet vertical garden and enjoy the beauty and benefits it brings to your space.


  • Wooden pallet(s)
  • Sandpaper or an electric sander
  • Landscape fabric or felt pockets
  • Staple gun and staples
  • Potting soil
  • A variety of plants (see below)
  • Screws and wall anchors (if attaching to a wall)
  • Drill
  • Level
  • Watering can or hose


Choosing the right plants is essential for creating a beautiful and thriving vertical garden wall. For a visually appealing garden, consider a mix of trailing, upright, and filler plants. Trailing plants add a cascading effect, upright plants provide structure and height, and filler plants create fullness and variety.

Additionally, selecting plants that are well-suited to vertical gardening ensures easier maintenance and healthier growth. Consider the amount of sunlight your garden wall will receive, and choose plants that match these conditions. Here are some excellent plant options for your vertical garden wall:


  • Echeveria: These rosette-forming succulents come in various colors and are perfect for adding texture and visual interest.
  • Sedum: Known for their hardiness, Sedums are low-maintenance and come in trailing varieties that are great for vertical gardens.
  • Sempervivum (Hens and Chicks): These small, rosette-forming succulents are excellent for filling gaps and creating a lush look.


  • Basil: An aromatic herb that thrives in sunny spots, perfect for a kitchen garden wall.
  • Thyme: A low-growing herb that adds a lovely fragrance and can cascade over the edges of your garden wall.
  • Mint: Easy to grow and spread, mint adds greenery and a refreshing scent, but keep it contained to prevent it from overtaking other plants.
  • Oregano: Hardy and aromatic, oregano is great for vertical gardening and culinary use.


  • Boston Fern: These lush, feathery ferns add a touch of elegance and thrive in shaded or partially shaded areas.
  • Maidenhair Fern: Delicate and airy, these ferns are ideal for adding a soft texture to your garden wall.

Flowering Plants:

  • Petunias: Available in a variety of colors, petunias provide vibrant blooms throughout the growing season.
  • Begonias: With their colorful flowers and foliage, begonias are perfect for adding splashes of color to your vertical garden.
  • Pansies: Hardy and colorful, pansies are excellent for cooler climates and provide cheerful blooms.

Trailing Plants:

  • Ivy: A classic trailing plant that adds greenery and can quickly cover vertical surfaces.
  • String of Pearls: A unique succulent with trailing, bead-like leaves that adds an interesting visual element.
  • Creeping Jenny: Known for its bright green foliage and trailing habit, Creeping Jenny is perfect for filling in gaps and adding a cascading effect.

When designing your vertical garden, consider mixing different types of plants to create a dynamic and visually appealing arrangement. Combining various textures, colors, and growth habits will ensure your garden wall stands out and thrives.


Step 1: Choose Your Location
Select a location for your wood pallet wall garden that receives adequate sunlight based on the plants you choose. Ensure the wall or structure can support the weight of the garden.

Step 2: Prepare the Pallet
Begin by sanding down the wooden pallet to remove any rough edges and splinters. This will make the pallet safer to handle and give it a cleaner look.

Step 3: Attach Landscape Fabric
Cut a piece of landscape fabric large enough to cover the back and sides of the pallet. Using a staple gun, attach the fabric securely to the pallet. This will hold the soil in place and prevent it from falling out.

Step 4: Mount the Pallet
Use a level to ensure the pallet is straight. Drill holes in the wall and insert wall anchors where necessary. Secure the pallet to the wall using screws. Make sure it is firmly attached to handle the weight of the soil and plants.

Step 5: Add Potting Soil
Fill the compartments created by the wooden slats and landscape fabric with high-quality potting soil. Ensure the soil is evenly distributed and packed tightly.

Step 6: Plant Selection and Placement
Choose plants that are suitable for vertical gardening and arrange them in the soil. Start from the bottom and work your way up, ensuring each plant has enough space to grow and is securely planted in the soil. Consider a mix of trailing, upright, and filler plants for visual interest.

Step 7: Watering and Maintenance
Water the plants thoroughly after planting. Regularly check the soil moisture and water as needed, as wood pallet gardens may dry out faster than traditional gardens. Prune and trim the plants to maintain their shape and encourage healthy growth. Monitor for pests and diseases and address any issues promptly.

Step 8: Additional Tips
Consider adding a drip irrigation system for easier watering. Use a variety of plants to create a visually appealing and dynamic garden wall. Rotate plants if necessary to ensure even sunlight exposure.


Maintaining your wood pallet vertical garden is essential to ensure its longevity and the health of your plants. Regularly check the soil moisture, as vertical gardens tend to dry out more quickly than traditional gardens. Water your plants thoroughly, ensuring the water reaches all layers. Consider installing a drip irrigation system to simplify the watering process and ensure even moisture distribution.

Pruning and trimming are key to keeping your plants looking their best and promoting healthy growth. Remove any dead or yellowing leaves and trim back overgrown plants to maintain the desired shape and size. Fertilize your vertical garden every few weeks with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer to provide essential nutrients.

Monitor your garden for pests and diseases. Inspect the plants regularly and take immediate action if you notice any signs of infestation or illness. Use organic pest control methods whenever possible to protect the environment and beneficial insects.

Lastly, rotate your plants periodically to ensure even exposure to sunlight, especially if your garden wall is in a location with uneven lighting. This will help all your plants thrive and prevent any one side from becoming overgrown or underdeveloped.

By following these maintenance tips, you can enjoy a healthy, vibrant wood pallet vertical garden that enhances your space for years to come.


Creating a wood pallet vertical wall garden is a rewarding and enjoyable project that brings greenery and life to even the smallest spaces. By following our step-by-step guide, you can transform a simple wooden pallet into a beautiful, functional garden that adds charm and character to your home or outdoor area. Whether you choose to plant succulents, herbs, ferns, or flowering plants, your vertical garden will be a unique and eye-catching feature.

Remember, the key to a successful vertical garden is regular maintenance. Watering, pruning, and monitoring for pests and diseases will keep your plants healthy and thriving. With a bit of care and attention, your wood pallet vertical garden will flourish and provide you with a lush, green oasis for years to come.

We hope this guide has inspired you to start your own vertical gardening journey. Enjoy the process of creating and nurturing your wood pallet wall garden, and delight in the beauty and tranquility it brings to your space.

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