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Kuro Hime Japanese Maple

Regular price $1,499.99

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Acer palmatum 'Kuro hime', also known as Kuro hime Japanese Maple, is a stunning ornamental tree prized for its graceful form and beautiful foliage. This cultivar showcases small, deeply lobed leaves that emerge in a striking burgundy color during the spring and gradually darken to a rich, deep purple-red as the season progresses. The foliage maintains its vibrant color throughout the summer, creating a captivating display in the landscape. In autumn, 'Kuro hime' Japanese Maple puts on a spectacular show, with the leaves transitioning to shades of brilliant red and orange, providing a breathtaking contrast against the landscape. The tree itself has a compact and upright growth habit, reaching a modest height of around 6 to 8 feet, making it ideal for smaller gardens, containers, or even bonsai cultivation. Its compact size and striking foliage make it a focal point in any garden setting. With its unique beauty and compact form, Acer palmatum 'Kuro hime' adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any landscape, making it a prized choice for Japanese garden enthusiasts and landscape designers alike.

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  • All online orders can be picked up at our garden center, located at 45 Route 206 in Chester, New Jersey. Please remember to bring your order number and a valid photo ID with you.
  • We're now offering nationwide delivery for plant material in containers of 20 gallons or smaller. If you need delivery for larger containers or B&B material, please email for a custom shipping quote.
  • All gift card purchases are delivered via US Postal Service and can be shipped nationwide.
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